New BBS Installed
I've installed Synchronet BBS Software on this server now, it's located at . Games installed right now - LORD (Legend of the Red Dragon) and BRE (Barren Realms Elite) - my two favorite BBS games. Right now, I have it networked on Dove-Net and I'm working on getting in FidoNet.
It's available by Telnet and RLogin and it's running in it's own VM on the main server, running 32-bit Windows 10 with the 16-bit Subsystem enabled so that old DOS applications can run "natively".
A little bit of background - in 1990-92 (yes 30 years ago) I had a "dial on demand" BBS that ran on my Amiga 500. A couple of my friends would call me up and say they wanted to dial in and I'd pop in the 3.5" floppy, reboot, and power up the 2400 baud modem.
Back in 2000/2001 (ya'll even that is 20 years ago now!) when I got a 1.5Mbs SDSL line with a static IP Address (I cannot tell you how amazing this was at the time to have) at the rental house in Grapevine and one of the first things I did was setup a server also running Synchronet BBS software (FidoNet node 1:3830/7). That came to an end when the DLS provider (FlashNet) went belly up. My wife and I bought the house in Hurst shortly thereafter, and the BBS never got set back up. That is, until now, 20 years later. Yikes, I'm getting old.
Anyway, if your an old BBS fan, play some LORD or BRE and drop your friendly Sysop Xerxes a note if there is a game or program I can install.

In addition to local games, the BBS is networked to CombatNet, DoorParty and BBSLink game servers which between them have hundreds of games.

I've had fun tracking down old ANSI artwork for the BBS. Fortunately there are old repositories like 16 Colors that I have been able to find images from the early '90s from ACiD and iCE for my login/logoff screens, along with some new things.

Check it out!