Microsoft Codename: Visine

Back when the internet was mostly a thing of the government and academics, and when Microsoft DOS (and later DOS/Windows 3.1) ruled the corporate desktop (along with Word Perfect as the defacto word processor and Lotus 123 as the main spreadsheet), there was a different 900 pound gorilla in the world of LAN networking - Novell NetWare. Novell had (at least) 62% of the LAN market at its height, and even though other networking products were around (Banyan Vines was arguably the most technically superior) - Novell crushed everyone in the marketplace with a sea of bright red boxes, floppies and splash screens. Before MCSE or CCIE certifications were in demand, the CNA and CNE (Certified NetWare Administrator/Engineer) ruled the day as the in-demand IT certifications that paved the way for Microsoft and Cisco to create their programs.
Microsoft wanted the enterprise computing market beyond just the desktop operating system, and after they split ways with IBM in developing OS/2, they developed Windows NT. Looking to replace a host of competitors in the LAN/WAN server market, Microsoft made NT capable of running not just Windows applications, but DOS, OS/2 and Posix.
However, Microsoft didn't just go after application support, on the networking side aside from supporting NetBUI and TCP/IP they actually wrote their own implementation of Novell's IPX/SPX networking protocol named "NWLink" - and it was widely regarded as faster and better, thus no need to install the official Netware client on those machines (which didn't release right away at the shipping date of NT 4 anyway), they would work out of the box.
On top of this, they released both Client and Gateway Services for NetWare. The latter (GSNW, released in NT 4.0) allowed you to use a NT Server as a gateway to Novell NetWare network resources, which let you use TCP/IP (which quickly became ubiquitous thanks to the rapid rise of the internet) on all your client workstations quit using IPX altogether - and of course over time migrate those services over to an NT 4.0 server. This collection of NT tools for NetWare interoperability and migration had, (in my opinion) the funniest and coolest codename Microsoft ever had - Visine - from the '90s commercials it "Gets the red out".
At the time (late 90s), this was well known and referenced in 3rd party NT 4.0 MCSE study guides and "Visine" frequently appeared on unofficial Microsoft codename webpages- but as time and memory of Novell NetWare passes, I see it far less often- but it was real and a reminder of lengths Microsoft went to fiercely compete in that era.
Nevertheless, I was still able to find a few of references to MS Codename Visine online:

As a network administrator (with a CNA!), I did plenty of NetWare 3.1x and 4.x migrations to NT for several companies. At the time, Windows NT 4.0 domain structure was vastly simpler than Novell's NDS that was shipping with Netware 4.x and, unlike NetWare, had a GUI to configure. So, it didn't exactly take an MCSE to supplant a NetWare box. That simplicity was short lived, Microsoft released Active Directory with Windows 2000 (which was just as complex), and the MCSE upgrade exam for NT 4.0 to Windows 2000 had a notoriously high 75% failure rate. By then, however, it was too late - the final purge of NetWare 3.1x and 4.x boxes mostly happened in the run up to the Y2K where nearly computer got upgraded for fear the world would end otherwise.